Sunday, August 23, 2009

August 21 - Thirst Quenching Lemonade

The whole family is into this "Fine Dining at Home" project that I started at home. Before we start eating our meal, Daniel and Cathelyn always ask me if I took pictures yet.

Cathelyn started writing her own recipes, too. After our dinner, she said that she wanted to use her own recipe to make dessert. Of course, they forgot to buy the ingredients when we went out grocery shopping. I told them that the only fruits I have in the fridge are 2 lemons. With those 2 lemons, they made their own lemonade.

To be honest, I am not into lemonades. I'd rather have pineapple or orange juice. But this lemonade my kids made was awesome. Let your kids try them at home, too!

Freshly squeezed juice from 2 lemons
1 cup of powdered sugar
1 tray of ice
1 cup of water

Pour all the ingredients in a blender. Whip for 5 minutes and serve.

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