Sunday, August 16, 2009

August 17 - I'll have Nasi Goreng and Beef Satay Please

We like dining out as a family. Trying out different kinds of dishes. In Hoboken, where we live, there is a good variety of restaurants. And good ones too. We have our favorite pizzeria, Grimaldi. Our favorite German sausages place, Helmer's. Our favorite sushi place, Robonggi. Our favorite pad thai at Sri Thai. Our favorite bubble tea and beef satay in Satay.

When we are in Satay (a Malaysian restaurant), my husband will order the same food, Beef Satay (Skewered beef) and Nasi Nenas (Pineapple rice).

I like Beef Satay, too. The first time I tasted it was 20 years ago in Singapore. Those were good Satay. I have tried making it at home but it is only now that I have perfected it.

At home, we make Nasi Goreng. This is a Indonesian staple in Holland. I have tried doing it from scratch, one time. But my mother-in-law regularly sends us seasoning mix for Nasi Goreng, that I decided to use the mix instead. The recipe below is how my husband cooked it for dinner. I would say, it is very delicious...

Nasi Goreng

2 packages of Knorr Mix voor Nasi Speciaal
1 can of Spam (Luncheon Meat), minced
2 red sweet peppers, minced
4 medium sized shallots, minced
1 package of frozen sweet peas
9 cups of cooked jasmine rice
2 tbsp of butter
300 ml (10.1 oz) of water

Cooking Time: (30 minutes)

Cook 3 cups of Jasmine rice 1 day befor you plan to cook Nasi Goreng.
In a wok, heat 2 tbsp of butter. Add the minced shallots and saute until caramelized.
Add the red pepper and cook for 4 minutes.
Add the minced luncheon meat and sweet peas. Cook for another 4 minutes.
Pour 300 ml. of water with the 2 Nasi Goreng Mix packages. Let it simmer for 5 minutes.
Add the cooked Jasmine rice and mix well with the other ingredients.
Serve with peanut satay sauce. You may garnish with scrambled eggs (sliced thinly).

Beef Satay
1 can of coconut milk (13.5 fl. oz)
2 tbsp. of fish sauce
1 tbsp of brown sugar
2 tbsp of soy sauce
1/2 tsp of group pepper
1 tsp of curry powder
1 tbsp of minced garlic
1.5 lbs of flank steak or beef sirloin cut in long flat strips (1" x 4")
(You may also use chicken or pork instead of beef)

Preparation Time: (1.5 hours)
Mix the first 7 ingredients.
Marinate the beef strips for at least an hour.
(If you have the time, marinate the beef strips overnight)
Insert skewer through the beef slices.

Cooking Time: (30 minutes)
Grill. Turn beef over several times during grilling.
You can also broil the beef in your over.
Beef should be slightly scorched when done.

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