Sunday, September 27, 2009

September 27 - Paksiw na Pata Reinvented

Paksiw na Pata is a Filipino version of braised pork leg or pata. Years ago, I would not mind having a serving of Paksiw na Pata. But now that I have grown in age (and gray hairs) I am more cautious in eating such dish. I still love the sweet sauce that comes with the dish so I used boneless pork shoulder roast instead.

If you are more adventurous though, you could prepare this dish with pork leg, trotter or shank.

Braised Pork
5 lbs boneless pork shoulder roast (cut-up)
1 cup dark soy sauce
1 cup white wine vinegar
1 cup dark brown sugar
6 bay leaves
7 cloves garlic, peeled
4 stems fresh oregano
1 packet of dried banana blossoms (30 grams)
2 tbsp whole peppercorn

Cooking Time (1 hour)
Place the meat pieces in a large baking pan in a single layer.
Put the rest of the ingredients (soy sauce, vinegar, brown sugar, bay leaves, garlic, oregano, banana blossom and peppercorn).
Cover the pan.
Bake at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for an hour.

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